Dear ILP well wishers, donors, volunteers and friends,
We hope you had a relaxing summer and are looking forward to a beautiful fall and joyous holiday season. Over the summer our volunteer team members visited ILP’s projects in India and participated in events to spread ILP’s message here while also lending a helping hand in project activities across India.
In the last issue of our Beacon we directed your attention to all our endeavors through the last couple of decades to bring literacy to millions of children from preschool through college.
In this issue we want to introduce the concept of an effective evaluation system that we want to measure ourselves against.
ILP in the News!
Hyderabad….NGO Boosting Literacy Levels in the City of Rajendernagar!
Career guidance in high schools.
India Literacy Project conducted its third-phase career guidance program to enable the students to make informed career choices!
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Upcoming Events
- Mark your calendars Annual ILP Dinner 9th Nov 2019!We are excited to invite you to our Annual ILP dinner.
Beside sending them to school, we have made learning a joy for this children through our special learning initiatives which includes libraries, smart classrooms, science/math kits etc. Please RSVP at
We would love to hear from you. Give us your feedback by simply replying back to this email. Let us know what you would like to hear about from the ILP Team. You can also contact us at
ILP Newsletter Team – Minnie Uppuluri, Nidhi Rai and Suyash Nigam
Opinions expressed in articles are not necessarily those of ILP. Please send articles/suggestions to the editor. Readers may note that contents are filtered from third party sources. All Brand Names & Trademarks are acknowledged.