Rajiv Gajria, Hari Verma and Sanjeet Srivastava – cycling enthusiasts and India Literacy Project (ILP) supporters are teaming up with ILP to crowdfund a project. They will travel an arduous path traversing mountains and forests, covering a distance of 600 km with a cumulative elevation gain of 6,500 m from Coimbatore to Kochi.
The project aims to transform the lives of marginalized students by enabling them to be digitally literate. These students are enrolled in govt. schools in Telangana with limited access to computers and technology. In this age of technology and a labour market filled with jobs requiring extensive knowledge of software, these students are at a great disadvantage. After their schooling years, they struggle to get a job requiring functional knowledge of computers, and increasingly almost all jobs in the coming years will require working with computers.
The classes planned by ILP will remedy the situation by including concepts such as basic programming, productivity tools, video editing, data entry and analysis etc. The cost per child for the computer classes is ₹4000 (~$55) and the campaign aims to raise ₹7.5 lakhs (~$10,000) or more to organize classes for 180 or more students.
Donors from abroad can support via PayPal. Donations are tax exempt to the extent permitted by law. as per the regulations.
Let us do our part to help shape a bright future for these enthusiastic students.