Rescuing childhood from child labor

Childhood is for learning not for earning…

As per United Nations, child labor is work carried out to the detriment and endangerment of a child, in violation of international law and national legislation. It either deprives children of schooling or requires them to assume the dual burden of schooling and work.

Even the

2023-02-26T17:17:00-08:00February 20th, 2023|Impact|

Transforming 10 schools via SMART classrooms

ILP collaborates with UST to set-up 10 SMART classrooms

When a digital transformation solutions company UST takes up the onus of transforming 10 schools in Mulbagal taluk by helping set-up SMART classrooms, it gives a fantastic experiential learning experience to the students.

India literacy project joins hands with UST in this initiative to set-up

2023-02-26T17:15:51-08:00February 8th, 2023|Impact, Initiatives|
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