Joys of reading

There is only one thing that could replace a book: The next book

With this ideology in mind, the partner NGO of India Literacy Project has come up with a wonderful and practical program “Book Festival” to improve the reading habits of children.

As part of the program, children are encouraged to read books by

2023-02-26T17:23:57-08:00January 23rd, 2023|Approach, Initiatives|

Anganwadi teachers – Helping build a solid foundation for bright future

A good education ensures a solid foundation for a better future. 

And the foundation has to be strong right from a very young age. This is where India literacy project has joined hands with like-minded partner to ensure learning at foundational stage is on a strong footing.

India literacy project in collaboration with

2023-02-26T17:26:05-08:00January 20th, 2023|Approach, Initiatives|

Schooling: Enroll and Retain children in preschools and schools

The education scenario in India has seen rapid progress over the last two decades in addressing the diverse challenges. Enrollment in primary schools has increased to around 96% and school infrastructure has also improved, but there are still significant challenges in enrollment for vulnerable communities.Our projects focus on vulnerable communities who face challenges with universal coverage, out of school children, poor attendance and retention. Some of these communities live in deep rural areas and are primitive tribal groups , socially disadvantaged communities such as scheduled castes, linguistic minority communities and migrant populations.

2023-02-26T21:35:33-08:00May 25th, 2019|Initiatives, Major Focus|

Learning: Enable learning in innovative ways

70% of children in India attend government schools predominantly in rural areas. Many children attending government schools are first generation learners. Their families are not equipped to guide their education at home (78% of rural adults have less than 5th grade literacy). As a result, teachers become the only source of guidance, thus putting extra burden on the already over-burdened teachers.

2023-02-26T21:35:47-08:00May 25th, 2019|Initiatives, Major Focus|

Earning: Empower students with career pathways

Education plays an important role in preparing students for successful and productive careers and to make positive contributions to society. The education system must provide the information, skills and confidence required for students to have productive careers. Our student-centric Career Guidance and Pathways program equips them with detailed information about variious careers, and enables them to effectively compete for jobs in the industry.

2023-11-09T11:28:33-08:00May 24th, 2019|Initiatives, Major Focus|
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