When ILP and their partner NGO Ujwala began working with the Anganwadi Centers in Vijayapur, Karnataka, they faced several challenges. Attendance was low, with only 7-8 children regularly attending, and time management was a persistent issue. Additionally, there was a lack of community involvement, which made creating significant change difficult.

However, ILP and Ujwala were determined to make a difference. They started by providing Preschool Education training for the AWWs and maintained regular follow-ups to ensure progress. They also focused on building community engagement, organizing meetings with parents and the Bala Vikasa Sameeti to encourage a sense of shared responsibility.

As a result of these efforts, the community began to support the initiative, even donating ₹10,000 to each AWC for essential teaching and learning materials. Attendance steadily increased, with 20-25 children attending the centers regularly.

To celebrate these achievements, ILP and Ujwala organized a special Teacher’s Day event where 28 Anganwadi Workers were honored as the best teachers. The Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) supervisor, impressed by the progress, personally contributed to the awards. The event was a testament to the power of community-driven change and the dedication of everyone involved.