


From Newspaper Delivery Boy to Entrepreneur!

I remember him as a boy with a perpetually serious expression. Purushotham stood out from the rest of his group because of his fluency in English and his conversational skills. He was only thirteen years old at the time when he first became associated with ILP. In 2005, Purushotham was selected by ILP under its scholarship initiative, the Puraskara scheme. At that time, he was studying in the 8th standard, at a government aided school in Bengaluru's Yeshwantpura suburb.

By |November 6th, 2011|Categories: Sucess Stories|

2011 Events

An Evening for Literacy - 2011 Annual Dinner - An Evening for Literacy at ICC Milpitas, on Oct 8th 2011, 6PM PST Race for Literacy - 2011 13th Annual Race for Literacy at Shoreline,

By |January 6th, 2011|Categories: Events|

Merry Christmas from the children

India Literacy Project supports a community library for children in Yeshwantpur, Bangalore, India. Our Bangalore chapter volunteers conducted a drawing and painting session based on the theme of the upcoming Christmas festival on Dec 13th 2009 at the Sunnadagoodu library.

By |December 14th, 2009|Categories: User Blogs|

A volunteer’s perspective on Partners Meet

How easy it is to label things and get carried away by the implications of that label. A ‘Partners Meet’ must clearly be for our NGO ‘Partners’. The themes and discussions must be beneficial to their work and from a development perspective. It would probably help them to work more effectively for the marginalized sections of the society. Ergo, if you are not a partner or working in this field, this might probably be of little relevance. I think this attitude probably sums up why problems never get solved in our country. .. Because we never think of ourselves as part of the solution.

By |August 10th, 2009|Categories: User Blogs|
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