
The Board of Trustees (BOT) is the leadership team for ILP India operations and the National Coordinating Committee (NCC) is the leadership team for ILP US operations.

Program Management Team

The Program Management Team in India is responsible for the execution, management and monitoring of all our projects across the county. ILP has offices in Bangalore, Chennai and Hyderabad with staff based in these offices and other field locations across the country.

Program and Chapter Leadership Team

A.L. Rangarajan
A.L. RangarajanCountry Manager
Ravi Mani
Ravi ManiProgram Director, Regional Projects
Victor Tauro
Victor TauroProgram Director, Regional Projects
Harish Kumar
Harish KumarProgram Manager, Multi Dimensional Learning Spaces
Ramesh Dontha
Ramesh DonthaChapter Lead, Hyderabad